Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

So Today was Reagan's first day of school and Dad was lucky enough to get to take her. We got up like we normally do and Mom, Kairi, Camden and Tahlia all went to Aimee's house while Dad stayed home with Reagan. Normally we leave to Aimee's by 6:50 at the latest and so with the ones going to Aimee's at that time, Dad and Reagan would have an hour to burn. You would have thought that it was a week if it was an hour as Reagan asked every 4 minutes if it was time to go yet. It led to a small conversation on time and numbers as Dad finally just put on Sponge Bob (thank you cable) and the last 40 minutes flew buy. When it was finally time to go to school we ended up going down 2700 West and by Southland which Reagan thought was her school, and was sad as Dad told her it was Michael's school. Then she realized you have to go by Aimee's house first before we get to her school. As we finally got to school (Monte Vista) we had to cross a street and we talked to the crossing guard first and let her know how that works. After that she talked to her new teacher (Mrs. Shumway) and she was told to put her against the wall and then go play. To her Dad's amazement she did just go and play and acted like she wanted Dad to go. He took some pictures and gave her a hug and kiss and off she went. Our Reagan is now in school.......wow I am starting to feel old.


Leslie and Tyson said...

You should feel old! But she looks really cute for school. Let us know how she really did for her teacher.

Nancy said...

Uhhh...you are kinda getting up there! But she looks adorable. Makes me have mixed emotions about Bailey going to school next year. It will be so fun to see her so excited with new clothes and shoes and a backpack...but oh how I will cry!

Amberlee said...

Yes having kids in school definitely makes you feel SO old. At least you only have a kindergartner so you don't have to claim being as old as we actually are. I now have a 3rd grader and 1st grader. I feel way old!

CeeJ said...

That's one big backpack for such a little girl!! She's adorable though! You have REALLY cute kids!!