Saturday night we meet Megan and Justin at Riverton Park at 7. We went to Taco Time and got burritos to eat first. After we ate we played on the toys and played golf and baseball before the fire works started. A little before 10 someone let off one of their own fireworks and Camden got scared and wouldn't look up for the rest of the night. Tahlia seemed unimpressed by the fireworks... at least she wasn't crying. Kairi and Reagan both enjoyed them. It's always fun to see all of the colors and patterns that fireworks make. We got home around 11 and everyone was tired... we went straight to be.
Mary had a great idea... we all need to be in Idaho Falls for the fireworks next year... it has been awhile!
looks like you guys had a ton of fun!!
Looks like a lot of fun. Your little family is so cute. is my email and I will send you an invite.
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