Sunday, December 7, 2008


I know Thanksgiving we several days ago now, but I'm just finding time to post about it. We went to Idaho this year to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. We left Wednesday after I finished teaching school. We had packed the night before so we were ready to go. We gave the girls Dramamine so that we wouldn't have any accidents on the way home (Our girls have a history of getting car sick!) and we were gone around 3:30. We decided to stop and eat on the way. We have stopped before but never in Malad! We thought that was a good goal to make it that far, but we will never do it again. What is in Malad? Nothing! I new this be we tried anyway. There were two places Burger King or Sub Way. We chose Sub Way but it wasn't the best food we have ever had. In the future we will stop earlier or push on to Pocatello. We arrived at my parents around 7:30 or 8:00 ( I can't remember now). We helped mom get ready for Thanksgiving the next day and went to bed. We woke up and were doing different tasks before we ate Thanksgiving dinner. I was mostly enjoying spending time with my family. The day started off cold but buy the early afternoon it was a really nice day. Bryce used my dad's riding lawn mower and gathered a pile of leaves for the kids to play in. What kids can resist a pile of leaves? They played for what seemed like hours. They buried themselves, they ran and jumped in the leaves and used rakes to keep the pile in tact. Reagan tried to play with the few leaves that had fallen from our one tree in front of our house, so this really made her day. Soon after that family started to arrive. We had a great dinner and enjoyed spending time with family that we see only a few times a year now. It is good to go home!

On Black Friday Mom, Megan, Leslie and I went shopping! We didn't brave the early crowds though, we left around 10:30. I was the only one with any kind of real list so they let me drag them to most of the stores. I didn't have much shopping left to do, but after Friday I was mostly done. It was fun to just be out with girls. I wish we could do more of these types of things together. Living away from family can be hard at time.

Saturday morning Bryce and Mary went to breakfast with Alan and I. It was fun to spend time with them. We went to a family diner and had some great food! Then we went to get some ingredients so that Mary could make a salad for dinner that night. Mom had made Lasagna before we got there so that we could have it during the holidays. After dinner we played a new game "Would you Rather..." Leslie has already posted info and pictures about this game on her blog. It was a fun game. Good thing we played with family. You have to perform challenges to win and some of them are INTERESTING! Mom had to hold a pickle as if it were a mustache, Megan had to perform a dance while humming a tune, Alan chose to wear my bra for a turn (not my best moment!), etc. I would only feel comfortable playing this game with family I think!

All in all we had a great trip. It was hard coming back Sunday to normal life. Now we are on to finalizing Christmas!

Kairi and Dane were burying Reagan in the pile of leaves.

This is what Camden was using to play in the leaves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the heck...why did you not put out the pictures of you and Alan?