Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Going to Idaho

The Friday after Christmas we drove to Idaho to see my side of the family for the weekend. The weather wasn't too bad, and the roads in Utah were worse than the Idaho roads. We got there safely in time for dinner. Mom made some yummy clam chowder, it really hit the spot. We woke up the next morning and had french toast and then opened the rest of the family exchange gifts. There weren't many but we had a great time. Mom got new quilting things and Camden and Dane found two aluminum poles and started swinging them like swords. We thought it was so cute! Reagan got her present from Dane... he gave her jewelry! Perfect gift! Kairi gave Dane the same Tonka Race ramp that Camden got. Dane figured out how to play with it really fast. Mom gave the kids new clothes, which they always are in need of. They are very cute. Mom and Dad gave each of their kids a massage from Leslie... that was the best gift ever! It made Leslie work, but we sure did relax... thanks Leslie! Tahlia got more gifts: Mary and Bryce gave her a cute oufit that's blue and brown, Leslie and Tyson gave her a cute sweater, and Megan gave her a super cute hat with ribbon running through it. She really scored this year! We had a pretty laid back morning watching the kids play and talk.

Dane and Camden playing with the race track.

Tahlia's cute hat from Meg.

Kairi's new sweater.

Reagan's new sweater.

Camden unwrapping new clothes. He was more interested in Dane's toy!

Tahlia got a very cute sweater dress from my mom!

Tahlia's cute sweater from Leslie and Tyson.

Tahlia's cute outfit from Mary and Bryce.

Reagan's jewelry from Dane.

Camden and Dane playing with the aluminum poles.


Leslie and Tyson said...

oh boy! they are all a little crazy aren't they? cute cute cute

Nancy said...

Once again, I'm sad that we had to miss out on this. Gosh, I think I need to come visit soon! I miss my little kids! All of them!