Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well, most people know that I don't care for McDonald's very much, but the kids love to go and play. We haven't been for a really long time, so when I asked them if they wanted to go get something to eat tonight Reagan immediately said McDonald's! I of course was thrilled! Alan was getting ready to go to a Real Salt Lake soccer game so I said sure. It actually ended up to be a pretty enjoyable night. The kids were good and had a great time playing after we ate. I thought Camden would play on the slides, but no... he went right for the basketball area and never left. He just loves any type of ball. Actually, the girls ended up playing in there most of the time too. Reagan was really getting good at making baskets and was so proud of herself every time one went in! We were there for about and hour and I had had enough. I told the kids it was time to go and they didn't even beg to stay... this was odd! They always want to stay and play longer no matter where we are playing. We did, however, have to go exchange their happy meal toys because they weren't princesses! What would the world be like if we had no kids meal toys? I took my camera along to capture the special moments!

1 comment:

Leslie and Tyson said...

WOW! They are cute, they must be related to me!!!