Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Time

The Doty house has been counting down the days until Christmas since Thanksgiving. I finished teaching school on Dec 22nd and Reagan's last day was the 23rd. On the 22nd I planned to decorate a ginger bread house. That was also the night BYU was playing Oregon in the Las Vegas bowl. We ate pizza, decorated the gingerbread house and watched football. Great night! Then on Wednesday, the 23rd, I made sugar cookies while Reagan was at school so we could decorate them that night. The kids had a great time. They all picked their favorite cookie to leave for Santa.

Camden loved the frosting!

Christmas Eve Alan had to work, so we stayed home and got ready for Christmas. I made a turkey for dinner and the kids cleaned up their rooms to make space for their new ones that were sure to come. Reagan wanted to open her new pajamas all day, so after dinner, the kids opened their pajamas and we watched some Christmas cartoons we had recorded.

We thought this would be the year that Reagan would wake us up early to open presents, but she didn't. The kids woke up around seven. They were all so excited as they came running into our room! I think Reagan got them hyped up! They could hardly wait for us to get up. I remember those feelings from when I was young... good memories. I wanted to get a picture of the kids coming down the stairs, but they started going before me so I couldn't capture their reaction, so I made them recreate it.

The kids started with their stockings, but Tahlia wasn't too sure at first. She just watched until she warmed up to the idea. It didn't take too long though. Then she wanted to open everything in sight. Alan and I had a great time watching the kids enjoy their presents. We tried to have each kid open a present at the same time... it worked pretty good.

After we had Alan Christmas cassorole for breakfast, which was very good, we all go ready to go see a movie. We went to see the Princess and the Frog. It is a very cute movie. The kids loved wearing their new Christmas clothes and getting popcorn. Everyone watched the movie and behaved really well. After the movie it was nap time. We had all had a big day so far and needed a rest. After everyone woke up we had leftover turkey and played with new toys, What a great day! The kids are already talking about next year!

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